ICLP'23 Workshop on Goal-directed Execution of Answer Set Programs

Date: July 10, 2023

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Workshop Program (Monday, July 10th)

Session 1, newvideo:

13:30 Robert Stroud (invited speaker): Semantic Analysis of Assurance Cases using s(CASP)

Anitha Murugesan (Honeywell Aerospace), Isaac Hong Wong (Honeywell Aerospace), Robert Stroud (Adelard, NCC Group), Joaquín Arias (CETINIA, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos), Elmer Salazar (University of Texas, Dallas), Gopal Gupta (University of Texas, Dallas), Robin Bloomfield (Adelard, NCC Group), Srivatsan Varadarajan (Honeywell Aerospace) and John Rushby (SRI International)

14:00 Steve Moyle (invited speaker): Modelling Cyber Defenses using s(CASP)

Steve Moyle (Amplify Intelligence), Nicholas Allott (Nquiring Minds) and John Manslow (Nquiring Minds)

14:30 Joaquín Arias: Value awareness and process automation: a reflection through school place allocation models (Extended Abstract)

Joaquín Arias (CETINIA, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos), Mar Moreno-Rebato (CETINIA, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos), Jose Antonio Rodríguez (CETINIA, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) and Sascha Ossowski (CETINIA, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)

15:00 Parth Padalkar: NeSyFOLD: Extracting Logic Programs from Convolutional Neural Networks

Parth Padalkar (University of Texas, Dallas), Huaduo Wang (University of Texas, Dallas) and Gopal Gupta (University of Texas, Dallas)

15:30 Jason Morris: Building Blawx

Jason Morris (Lexpedite Legal Technology Ltd)

16:00 Coffee Break

Session 2, newvideo:

16:30 Abhiramon Rajasekharan: Argument analysis using Answer Set Programming and Semantics-guided Large Language Models

Abhiramon Rajasekharan (University of Texas, Dallas), Yankai Zeng (University of Texas, Dallas) and Gopal Gupta (University of Texas, Dallas)

17:00 Jacinto Davila: (Re)Integration of Logical English and s(CASP)

Galileo Sartor (University of Turin), Jacinto Davila (Universidad de Los Andes), Alessia Fidelangeli (University of Bologna,) and Giuseppe Pisano (University of Bologna,)

17:30 Gopal Gupta: Panel "Automating Human Thinking"

Bob Kowalski (Imperial College), Jan Wielemaker (SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v.), Gopal Gupta (University of Texas, Dallas) and Joaquín Arias (CETINIA, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)

18:30 End


Elmer Salazar, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA; Elmer.Salazar@utdallas.edu
Joaquín Arias, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain; Joaquin.Arias@urjc.es
Gopal Gupta, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA; Gopal.Gupta@utdallas.edu

Program Chair:

Elmer Salazar, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA; Elmer.Salazar@utdallas.edu

Workshop Aim:

Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a successful extension of logic programming for solving combinatorial problems as well as knowledge representation and reasoning problems. Most current implementations of ASP work by grounding a program and using a SAT-solver like technology to find the answer sets. While this approach is extremely efficient, relying on grounding of the program leads to significant blow up of the program size, while computing the whole model makes finding justification of an atom in the model hard. This limits the applicability of ASP to problems dealing with large knowledge bases. Goal-directed or query-driven execution strategies have been proposed that do not require any grounding. However, these novel implementation approaches present a new set of challenges. The goal of this workshop is to foster discussion around challenges and opportunities that such approaches present. Tentative list of topics include:

Submission Instructions:

Technical papers, position papers, as well as extended abstracts are welcome. Submissions should be 4 - 8 pages in PDF format, including abstract, figures and references, and according to the CEUR-WS template (single column). The reviewing will be single-blind. All submissions will be made electronically through EasyChair: EasyChair Submission Link.

Important Dates:

Program Committee: